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Turmeric, Lemon & Ginger Soap

Turmeric contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory components that may provide glow and lustre to the skin. Turmeric revives your skin by bringing out its natural glow.

Shea butter is a natural moisturizer that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It provides relief to itchy and peeling skin, restores the elasticity of the skin, and treats acne and blemishes.

Oatmeal contains compounds called saponins, which are natural cleansers. They remove the dirt and oil that clog the pores and exfoliate the skin.

Sweet almond oil is full of vitamin E that keeps your skin cells healthy and helps your skin look smooth, soft, and free of fine lines.

Turmeric, Lemon & Ginger Soap

  • 100gms

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